A. Rodrigues, A. Sabino, Conceição Juana Fortes, Maria Teresa Reis, P. Poseiro

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HIDRALERTA is a forecast and early warning system for coastal and port regions capable of predicting emergency situations, as well as carrying out risk assessment. The system concentrates on evaluating wave overtopping and flooding scenarios. It uses offshore sea wave and wind forecast data, as well as tide data, as input to determine wave overtopping at specific locations. This is done through the use of numerical models, artifi cial neural networks and empirical/semi-empirical formulas. The HIDRALERTA system is composed of four modules developed in Open Source Web Technology, mainly using the Python Language. The Warning System can be configured and adapted for specific scenarios and is made available via the Web. The warning system persistently stores all data; mainly sensor data and risk assessment results. These data can be analysed in several media, using mapping or graphical support. The HIDRALERTA platform has been successfully tested for the Port and Bay of Praia da VitoÁria, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)22-25
Number of pages4
JournalHydro International
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2017


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