Hermeneutics of the Cantigas: recovering notational sense

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The Cantigas de Santa Maria are one of the most imposing corpus of medieval European song. The status of the notation in the 13th-century MSS is however ambiguous, and there are very few direct clues concerning performance. This paper will examine a few songs where conflict between text layout and notated melody, or contradictory decisions by the copyist, illuminate the musical context, allowing the modern performer to construct a meaningful interpretation, faithful yet free from strict literalism.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventBilateral International Conference Portugal/Italy, Performance Analysis: A bridge Between Theory and Interpretation - Casa da Música e Fundação Eng. de Almeida, Porto, Portugal
Duration: 4 Oct 20166 Oct 2016


ConferenceBilateral International Conference Portugal/Italy, Performance Analysis: A bridge Between Theory and Interpretation
Internet address


  • Cantigas de Santa Maria
  • corpus of medieval European song
  • 13th-century
  • Hermeneutics
  • notational sense


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