Greek Report on AI and Administration of Justice

Athina Sachoulidou, Maria Kaiafa Gbandi, Dafni Lima

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


While the EU is close to achieving the ambitious goal of being the first regional actor to regulate the design and use of AI systems and the implications thereof for fundamental rights by means of a dedicated legal instrument, ‘AI and criminal law’ continues to present national legislators with significant challenges. In numerous legal orders, predictive policing, predictive justice, AI-generated evidence or AI-supported crime analytics may have already attracted scholarly attention, but their regulation is still pending or limited to soft-law interventions. This is also the case with the Greek legal order which has recently started navigating the AI realities in law enforcement and criminal justice settings. This report embarks to provide an overview of the national practices in the areas of automated policing and criminal justice, the normative frameworks that govern them and the applicable general principles of law. In doing so, it underlines the specificities of employing AI in a sensitive area of public governance, namely the administration of criminal justice, and showcases the need for dedicated procedural safeguards.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6
Journale-Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Artificial intelligence
  • criminal justice
  • predictive policing
  • recidivism algorithms


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