Greek and Latin historians in the Renaissance Library of D. Teodósio I, duke of Bragança

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This text has as analysis field the library of D. Teodósio I, 5th duke of Bragança, known only by a 16th century copy of his House’s inventory made after his death in 1563. As it would be expected, Antique culture is deeply represented in this great aristocratic library in all fields of knowledge – Philosophy,
Poetry, Astronomy, Medicine, Theology, Civil and Canon Law. We will focus our attention on History, the most important section after Theology and Law, underlining the presence of Greek and Latin books and authors, both in their original version and in translation into vernacular languages, an eloquent testimony of the reception of Ancient Culture in Renaissance’s Portugal.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)67-83
JournalRes Antiquitatis. Journal of Ancient History
Volume2ª série
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • D. Teodósio I
  • aristocratic libraries
  • History
  • Greek and Latin historians


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