Gamma-ray cross-sections of the 27Al(p,p`γ)27Al reaction in the proton energy range 1490–3000 keV

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The 27Al(p,p`γ)27Al nuclear reaction provides the highest cross-sections for gamma-ray emission in aluminium. As a result, the corresponding γ1—844 keV and γ2—1014 keV gamma lines are commonly used for gamma-ray technique analysis of Al in solid samples. In this work, we report a detailed measurement of the excitation functions for both gamma-ray emissions performed with a HPGe detector placed at an angle of 130º. All the resonances are described in detail by using small energy steps for the incident proton beam from 1490 to 3000 keV, revealing new energy levels of 28Si. Cross-sections data are validated by comparing experimental values of gamma-ray yields of pure thick Al samples with those calculated by the ERYA-Bulk code, confirming the accuracy of the measurements. Cross-sections and thick target yields obtained in this work are compared with other published data.

Original languageEnglish
Article number209
JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022


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