Francisco Xavier Baptista's Keyboard Works: Analysis and Attribution of His Last Sonatas

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The Portuguese composer Francisco Xavier Baptista (1741-1797) wrote sixteen keyboard sonatas, two of which are preserved under the name of Francisco Xavier Bachixa. From an analysis based on Hepokoski and Darcy's Sonata Theory, this study identifies the characteristics of Baptista's sonatas, as well as his sonata model: a cycle of two movements that ends with a minuet, which is representative of a clear formal transformation. Furthermore, a comparison of the single-movement sonatas assigned to the name Bachixa shows that these were the last works written by the composer and reveals a new formal and stylistic approach to the composition of the Portuguese keyboard sonata in the late 18th century.

Original languageEnglish
Article number75308
JournalMusica Hodie
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Analysis. Francisco Xavier Bachixa
  • Francisco Xavier Baptista
  • Keyboard sonata
  • Portuguese music
  • Sonata theory


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