Fragments of Fifteenth-Century Northern Propers in Portugal

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The important contribution of Heinrich Isaac (ca. 1455–1517) to the genre of the proper of the mass has long been recognised. His work in this genre, collected in the monumental posthumously published Choralis Constantinus, was considered a landmark even in the sixteenth century. Yet Isaac’s magnum opus was by no means isolated. The mass proper played a much greater and more significant musical and symbolic role in the landscape of later-medieval and Renaissance music-making than is currently acknowledged. The present collection of fifteen essays offers new insights into both Isaac's mass propers themselves, which are still shrouded by many enigmas, and their context within broader later-fifteenth and sixteenth-century mass proper traditions. The circumstances under which Isaac's mass propers were composed, performed, and transmitted are discussed afresh, as is the striking late-sixteenth-century reception that the Choralis experienced. Studies of previously unknown or little-examined mass proper collections from countries as widely seperated as Portugal and Poland, as well as of the transformation of the genre in Lutheran territories and in the hands of William Byrd, show that Isaac's enterprise, though the largest of its kind, was built on and embedded in a strong and ongoing tradition of proper settings and cycles.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHeinrich Isaac and the Polyphony for the Proper of the Mass in the Late-Middle Ages and Renaissance
EditorsDavid J. Burn, Stefan Gasch
Place of PublicationTurnhout
PublisherBrepols Publishers
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-503-54264-5
ISBN (Print)978-2-503-54249-2
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2011
EventCantus Ecclesiasticum ut Ornaret: Polyphony for the Proper of the Mass in the Late Middle Ages & Renaissance -
Duration: 1 Jan 2009 → …


ConferenceCantus Ecclesiasticum ut Ornaret: Polyphony for the Proper of the Mass in the Late Middle Ages & Renaissance
Period1/01/09 → …


  • Polyphonic Propers
  • Northern Europe
  • Portugal
  • 15th century


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