Formas de 'sedere' em cantigas do século XIII

Research output: Working paper

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In Portuguese, the verb ser (‘to be’) results from the mergingof two distinct Latin verbs: esse(‘to be’) and sedere(‘to be sited’). This paper’s aim is to present some aspects regarding the occurrenceof forms derived from the verb sederein cantigasfrom the 13thcen-tury. This study is motivated by the fact that in Portuguese’s earlier stagesforms derived from both these verbs wereused in contexts in which only estar (‘to be’) would be possible in con-temporary Portuguese. Furthermore, in cases in which forms derived fromboththeseverbscoexisted, forms derived from sederewere always used with the semantic value of ‘estar’. These sedereforms, which were relatively not very frequent comparing to the corresponding esseones,would later disappear from the Portuguese language. In this paper, I present some aspects in which the textual genre cantigaappears to motivate the use of the sedereformswhich competed with the esse ones.
Original languagePortuguese
Place of PublicationLisboa
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 12 Mar 2021

Publication series

NameCadernos WGT
VolumeVoltar a falar em Gramática & Texto
ISSN (Print)2184-8998
ISSN (Electronic)2184-9005


  • Português Medieval
  • Verbo ser
  • Formas derivadas
  • Género literário cantiga
  • Formas de sedere

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