Forest Context and Policies in Portugal: Present and Future Challenges

Fernando José Cebola Lidon (Editor/Coordinator), João José Cardoso Pais (Editor/Coordinator), Fernando Henrique da Silva Reboredo (Editor/Coordinator), Alan John Lander Phillips (Editor/Coordinator), Maria Fernanda Pessoa (Editor/Coordinator), José António de Almeida (Editor/Coordinator)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


▶ Offers a full integration of the issues related to forest and landscapedynamics with economic analyses
▶ Also the relationships between forest, society and environment areenhanced and discussed
▶ Emphasis on the current multi-functional role of Portugueseforest and its intrinsic value, foreseeing the future in a context of asustainable forest management
▶ A comprehensive state of the art, raising important questions aboutfuture forest policies in the European Union context and the ongoingclimate changes

This book will unquestionably attract a very strong interest among all those working inforest research, forest management and forest products in Portugal. In a broader sense itwould no doubt be of interest to anyone working in these areas in Europe and, to a lesserextent, elsewhere in the world. The readers will likely include academics, professionalsand public decision-makers working in these areas, and students of forestry, landscapearchitecture, rural development and planning, ecology and environmental sciences
Original languageUnknown
Place of PublicationCham
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Volumevolume 19
Editionfirst edition
ISBN (Print)978-3-319-08454-1/978-3-319-08455-8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014

Publication series

NameWorld Forests
PublisherSpringer International Publishing Switzerland
ISSN (Print)1566-0427

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