First description of colistin and tigecycline-resistant acinetobacter baumannii producing KPC-3 carbapenemase in Portugal

Cátia Caneiras, Filipa Calisto, Gabriela Jorge da Silva, Luis Lito, José Melo-Cristino, Aida Duarte

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Herein, we describe a case report of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates that were identified from the same patient at a Tertiary University Hospital Centre in Portugal. Antimicrobial susceptibility and the molecular characterization of resistance and virulence determinants were performed. PCR screening identified the presence of the resistance genes blaKPC-3, blaTEM-1 and blaSHV-1 in both isolates. The KPC-3 K. pneumoniae isolate belonged to the ST-14 high risk clone and accumulated an uncommon resistance and virulence profile additional to a horizontal dissemination capacity. In conclusion, the molecular screening led to the first identification of the A. baumannii KPC-3 producer in Portugal with a full antimicrobial resistance profile including tigecycline and colistin.

Original languageEnglish
Article number96
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


  • A. Baumannii
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Colistin
  • Gram-negative bacteria
  • K. Pneumoniae
  • KPC-3 carbapenemase
  • Tigecycline


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