Exposição ocupacional a citostáticos e efeitos sobre a saúde

Translated title of the contribution: occupational exposure to anticancer drugs and adverse health effects

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


RESUMO - Os citostáticos são genotóxicos e não completamente seletivos para as células neoplásicas, podendo afetar o genoma das células normais. Está comprovada a sua genotoxicidade em modelos experimentais e doentes tratados com quimioterapia. Os profissionais de saúde responsáveis pela sua preparac¸ão e administrac¸ão apresentam risco de sofrer efeitos adversos para a saúde, tendo sido comprovado por diversos estudos haver contaminac¸ão generalizada do ambiente e de superfícies de trabalho. Os procedimentos de seguranc¸a e equipamentos de protec¸ão individual têm sido insuficientes para evitar a absorc¸ão, evidenciada por quantidades mensuráveis de citostáticos na urina, e o aumento de indicadores biológicos de genotoxicidade. São revistos os efeitos para a saúde decorrentes desta exposic¸ão. ABSTRACT - Anticancer drugs share DNA-damaging properties affecting not only target-cells, but also non tumour cells. Its genotoxicity has been demonstrated in experimental models and in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. Health care personnel involved in the preparation and administration of these agents are at risk for adverse health effects, since environmental sampling studies demonstrated widespread contamination of work surfaces and utensils. Adherence to safety guidelines and proper use of personal protective equipment are insufficient to prevent significant absorption, evidenced by the presence of detectable amounts of drugs in urine samples and increased frequency of genotoxicity biomarkers. The evidence regarding adverse health effects on workers occupationally exposed to anticancer agents is reviewed.
Translated title of the contributionoccupational exposure to anticancer drugs and adverse health effects
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)76-88
JournalRevista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2012


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