Exploring barriers and facilitators to the adoption of regular exercise practice in patients at risk of a recurrence of low back pain (MyBack project): a qualitative study

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Purpose: This study aimed to explore potential barriers and facilitators to the adoption of regular exercise practice in patients at risk of a recurrence of low back pain (LBP). Materials and Methods: Eleven patients, who recovered from a previous episode of LBP, participated in two focus groups. The semi-structured interview schedule was informed by the Behaviour Change Wheel and the Theoretical Domains Framework. Focus groups were held through videoconference, audio and video recorded and transcribed verbatim. A deductive content analysis was performed by two researchers independently. Results: Eighteen barriers and 19 facilitators were identified. The most common barriers included “lack of knowledge on how to manage a recurrence of LBP,” “lack of behavioural regulation strategies and having other priorities” and “lack of self-efficacy/confidence to practice exercise autonomously and deal with a new episode of LBP.” “Knowledge on exercise and recurrences,” “regular exercise habits,” “having specific behavioural regulation strategies,” “exercise practice with others,” “willingness to practice exercise and considering it a priority,” and “presence of positive emotions related with exercise practice” were the most common facilitators. Conclusions: These findings will inform the development of a behaviour change-informed exercise intervention to promote regular exercise practice among patients at risk of a recurrence of LBP.

Original languageEnglish
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • behaviour change
  • exercise
  • Low back pain
  • primary healthcare
  • qualitative research
  • recurrences

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