European Union at a crossroad: becoming or assuming a model leadership on the international scene

Research output: Working paper

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At present the European Union stands as a political and economic union of 27 Member States designed upon the rules of law that ensures and guarantees the protection of the fundamental rights of human beings. The project for a union among the European states proved to be a dynamic and continuous construction, shaped over centuries, at first as an abstract idea, created by the thoughts of philosophers as an ideal united Europe that would prevent war and will contribute to the establishment of peace. The focus of the present work will be on the phases that lead to the creation of the European Union, its further evolution and functioning, aspects that are considered relevant in identifying the future role and settings of the European Union on the international scene. Given the unique legal foundation of the European Union and the diversity of its constituent members, one might presume that any foreseeable role and settings that the European Union might undertake on the international scene could only be a reflection of the major interests of the powerful Member States.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2021

Publication series

NameCEDIS Working Papers - VARIA
ISSN (Print)2184-5549


  • European Union
  • Multi-Speed Europe
  • Mechanisms/Forms of Cooperation
  • European Political Leadership
  • Institutional Change
  • Human Rights


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