Estudio del Caso Primeros Auxilios con Arteterapia y su rol liberador en Centros de Acogimiento Transitorio para Inmigrantes y Refugiados de Bosnia y Herzegovina

Translated title of the contribution: Case Study First Aid with Art Therapy and its liberating role in Bosnia and Herzegovina Temporary Reception Centers for Migrants and Refugees

Teresa Lousa, Malena Hughet

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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First Aid with Art Therapy is a therapeutic approach carried out in Bosnian migrants and refugee camps from October 2019 to the present. In an extremely challenging context for therapists and beneficiaries, Art Therapy sessions were held according to the methodology of free creative expression, with a high degree of adjustability. A non-directed work prioritizing each participant's needs, spontaneity, and the factor of transitoriness, either of conditions or of emotions, was revealed to be the appropriate approach within a context of humanitarian crisis. In this study, the theoretical foundations of Carl Jung and Nise da Silveira4 were used, especially with regard to the concept of Archetype, which is essential for a better understanding of the images produced in these sessions. It could be observed in the migrants and refugees' work that certain repeated patterns appeared, for example: feminine figures and mandalas: which coincide with two strong archetypes that will be highlighted.
Translated title of the contributionCase Study First Aid with Art Therapy and its liberating role in Bosnia and Herzegovina Temporary Reception Centers for Migrants and Refugees
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)799-816
Number of pages18
JournalArte, Individuo y Sociedad
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Archetypes
  • Art-Therapy
  • Carl Jung
  • Migrants and Refugees
  • Nise da Silveira


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