Espaços de resistência: A Arena Cultural no Activismo Artístico

Translated title of the contribution: Spaces of Resistance: The Cultural Arena in Artistic Activism

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As práticas artísticas activistas são um importante meio de contestação e impõem desafios ao discurso hegemónico. Neste artigo analisamos a subversão enquanto estratégia de resistência, que opera transformando o espaço institucional numa arena cultural, onde a hegemonia é questionada e diferentes perspectivas se confrontam. Como estudo de caso, apresentamos a obra Subsidy do artista Joshua Schwebel, cujo foco é a realidade laboral do sector artístico no capitalismo contemporâneo.

Artistic activism practices are an important form of protest and challenge the hegemonic discourse. In this article we analyse subversion as a resistance strategy, which operates by transforming the institutional space in a cultural arena, where hegemony is questioned and different perspectives are confronted. As a case study, we present the work Subsidy from the artist Joshua Schwebel, which questions labour relations in the arts sector in contemporary capitalism.
Translated title of the contributionSpaces of Resistance: The Cultural Arena in Artistic Activism
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)1-15
Number of pages15
JournalArte e Investigación
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2020


  • Artistic activism
  • Resistance
  • Institutional critique
  • Subversion
  • Labour
  • Activismo artístico
  • Resistência
  • Trabalho
  • Crítica institucional
  • Subversão


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