Eram seis assinalados de Lindanor Celina : une tragédie en terre amazonienne

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Eram seis assinalados written in 1994 by Lindanor Celina emphasizes the complexity of human condition. In a village by a river, in Para state, Irene is accused of having an affair with a priest, padre Enzo. The reader, both witness and juror, can picture, how this sin supports a social plea. Many voices mingle, merge , resound sometimes and cry pain and suffering. It’s how Lindanor Celina sends Irene in the adult world. This breathtaking novel ends the trilogy begun with Menina que vem de Itaiara (1963) and Estradas do tempo-foi (1970)
Original languageUnknown
Pages (from-to)1-1
JournalPlural Pluriel Revue des cultures de langue portugaise
Issue numberNA
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2012

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