Elemental mapping in a contemporary miniature by full-field X-ray fluorescence imaging with gaseous detector vs. scanning X-ray fluorescence imaging with polycapillary optics

Ana Luísa M. Silva, S. Cirino, Maria Luisa Carvalho, Marta Manso, Sofia Pessanha, Carlos Davide Rocha Azevedo, L. F. N. D. Carramate, José Paulo Santos, Mauro Guerra, J. F. C. A. Veloso

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


Energy dispersive X-ray imaging can be used in several research fields and industrial applications. Elemental mapping through energy dispersive X-ray imaging technique has become a promising method to obtain positional distribution of specific elements in a non-destructive way. To obtain the elemental distribution of a sample it is necessary to use instruments capable of providing a precise positioning together with a good energy resolution. Polycapillary beams together with silicon drift chamber detectors are used in several commercial systems and are considered state-of-the-art spectrometers, however they are usually very costly. A new concept of large energy dispersive X-ray imaging systems based on gaseous radiation detectors emerged in the last years enabling a promising 2D elemental detection at a very reduced price. The main goal of this work is to analyze a contemporary Indian miniature with both X-ray fluorescence imaging systems, the one based on a gaseous detector 2D-THCOBRA and the state-of-the-art spectrometer M4 Tornado, from Bruker. The performance of both systems is compared and evaluated in the context of the sample's analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalSpectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2017


  • Elemental mapping
  • Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence imaging
  • Gaseous detectors
  • M4 Tornado


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