Effect of European Medicines Agency's restrictions on trimetazidine utilization in Portugal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


PURPOSE: Following safety concerns regarding trimetazidine, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended restrictions on its use. Our objective was to determine the impact of regulatory actions on trimetazidine utilization in Portugal.

METHODS: Retrospective interrupted time-series analysis of monthly ambulatory pharmacy reimbursement records for the Portuguese National Health Service between January 2006 and December 2015. Regulatory actions were identified by searching the EMA, Portuguese Medicines Authority, and European Commission's websites. Concurrent factors in the same period were also identified. The main outcome was the dispensing of trimetazidine-containing products per month in Portugal.

RESULTS: Two interruption periods were defined in the series: May 2011, when EMA announced it would review trimetazidine safety, and June 2012 to January 2013, when EMA announced it had reached a final opinion recommending restrictions; the European Commission approved EMA's recommendation; the Portuguese Medicines Authority issued safety alerts, changed the summary of product characteristics, and approved a direct health-care professional letter; and a regional bulletin was issued. Interruption 1 had no effect on trimetazidine use, but interruption 2 resulted in decreases in level and trend-from 8.3 million defined daily doses in 2010 to 2.8 million in 2015. After interruption 2, trimetazidine use tended towards a lower steady state.

CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant decrease in trimetazidine use in Portugal following a complex intervention that included safety alerts, changes to the summary of product characteristics, a direct health-care professional letter, and a regional drug bulletin. No effect was seen when EMA announced its review of trimetazidine safety.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)962-968
Number of pages7
JournalPharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
Issue number9
Early online date10 Jul 2018
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2018


  • drug and narcotic control
  • pharmacoepidemiology
  • physicians practice patterns
  • trimetazidine


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