Efeitos de dominância linguística e de tempo de exposição formal à língua na produção de pronomes clíticos por crianças bilingues português/francês

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This study investigates the effects of two external linguistic variables – language dominance and time of formal exposure – on the production and placement of clitic pronouns of Portuguese-French bilingual children. Using two elicited production tasks and a parental sociolinguistic questionnaire, we show that language dominance plays a role in rates of omission and rates of clitic production. On the other hand, a higher time of formal exposure to Portuguese does not determine better performance neither in what concerns clitic omission nor clitic placement in Portuguese-French bilingual children.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)350-367
Number of pages17
JournalRevista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventXXXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística - Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
Duration: 9 Oct 201911 Oct 2019


  • Language dominance
  • Formal exposure
  • Bilingual children
  • Clitics
  • Portuguese
  • French
  • Dominância linguística
  • Exposição formal
  • Crianças bilingues
  • Português
  • Francês

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