
Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes (Editor), Ana Carolina Damboriarena Escosteguy (Editor), Isabel Maria Ribeiro Ferin Cunha (Editor), Luciano Guimarães (Editor), Maria Ignês Carlos Magno (Editor), Raúl Fuentes Navarro (Editor), Richard Romancini (Editor), Roseli Figaro (Editor)

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THIS NEW ISSUE of MATRIZes is permeated by a characteristic that, in the editors’ opinion, strengthens the editorial project of the journal: the fusion of the reflection on current and contemporary themes with issues of fundamental and continuous concern in the context of communication and culture studies. It is about offering readers what is new or innovative, as well as inputs to update discussions. Sometimes this happens in a same article. Thus, the current Dossier is opened by the article Ubiquitous constellations: Towards a non-anthropocentric anthropology, by Massimo Canevacci, in which the axes of actuality and authorial and propositional reflection – marks of this section of the magazine – are prominent. In this perspective, the author points out the value of facing the unknown in the case of Coronavirus (COVID-19), as the starting point of the article, in which he carries out a recapitulation of his intellectual trajectory, discussing how he has developed an intellectual project in which anthropology finds communication. Thus, it offers conceptual and methodological suggestions, such as the concepts of ubiquity, diaspora, poly-phony and undisciplined method. In the following text of the section, Juremir Machado da Silva, in The paradox of ideology, another meta-text, develops the persistent theme, asking how it is possible for someone to perceive, unders-tand, decipher and free itself from ideology if, according to the several authors discussed, ideology is able to condition anything.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)7-9
Number of pages2
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2021

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