Ecological data in support of an analysis of Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora

Luís Catarino, Philip J Havik, Bucar Indjai, Maria M Romeiras

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This dataset presents an annotated list of medicinal plants used by local communities in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa), in a total of 218 species. Data was gathered by means of herbarium and bibliographic research, as well as fieldwork. Biological and ecological information is provided for each species, including in-country distribution, geographical range, growth form and main vegetation types. The dataset was used to prepare a paper on the medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau "Medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau: therapeutic applications, ethnic diversity and knowledge transfer" (Catarino et al., 2016) [1]. The table and figures provide a unique database for Guinea-Bissau in support of ethno-medical and ethno-pharmacological research, and their ecological dimensions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1078-1097
Number of pages20
JournalData in brief
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016


  • Ethnobotanical data
  • Geographical distribution
  • Useful plants
  • Vegetation types
  • West Africa


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