E-learning Practices in Translation and Interpretation: Corpora as Training Platforms

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To study different languages to be professional translator or interpreter is a challenging mission. It demands high-quality foreign language competencies in a wide range of sectors. The abilities as immediately select from a variety of linguistic structures, accurately and precisely transmit specific terminology, cultural markers, complex or symbolical concepts, and constantly enlarge linguistic resources for expressing ideas – all these elements depend on the experience and require continuing enhancement. Along with the recent developments of methodology applied at translation courses, there have been spread positive responses on the corpus-based approach. This refers to verifying the hypothesis to implement corpora as training electronic platforms in translation and interpreting studies (TIS). The paper aims at presenting a set of didactic models that assume different types of English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian electronic corpora as required and effective means in the teaching-learning process. This recognizes the advantages of the corpus-informed support to translation trainings as well as expanding the professional interest in this domain.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)157-164
Number of pages8
JournalProcedia: social & behavioral sciences
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jul 2015
EventCurrent Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally-conceived Corpora and Beyond: Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics - Palacio de Congresos “Conde Ansúrez”, Valladolid, Spain
Duration: 5 Mar 20157 Mar 2015
Conference number: 7


  • Corpus-based trainings
  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Russian corpora
  • corpus-informed activities


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