Dynamic characterisation and finite element updating of a RC stadium grandstand

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This paper reports on the dynamic characterisation of a Reinforced Concrete (RC) stadium grandstand module for the Sporting Stadium in Lisbon. To this aim, a three-dimensional (3D) Finite-Element (FE) numerical model, implemented according to the technical drawings of the structure, is first presented to provide preliminary estimates of the expected modal characteristics for the examined structural system. Ambient vibration tests are then carried out on the same grandstand, and used to extract the natural frequencies and vibration modes of the system, according to conventional state-of-the-art output-only modal parameter identification techniques. A sensitivity investigation and FE model updating study is hence presented for the grandstand, giving evidence of the major influencing parameters and key input data for the numerical fitting of the experimental modal testing results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number141
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 12 Oct 2018


  • Dynamic identification
  • FE model updating
  • Finite Element (FE) numerical modelling
  • Reinforced Concrete (RC) stadium grandstand


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