Drivers of Mobile Health Acceptance and Use From the Patient Perspective: Survey Study and Quantitative Model Development

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BACKGROUND: Mobile health (mHealth) has potential to play a significant role in realizing a reversal of the current paradigm in health care toward a more patient-centric and more collaborative system to improve the outcomes obtained along with the quality and sustainability of health care systems. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore and understand individual mHealth acceptance drivers between two groups of users: those with chronic health conditions and those without. METHODS: The extended unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology (UTAUT2) was enhanced with a new health-related framework: behavior intention to recommend and new mediation effects. We applied partial least squares (PLS) causal modeling to test the research model. RESULTS: We obtained 322 valid responses through an online questionnaire. The drivers of behavior intention with statistical significance were performance expectancy (β=.29, P<.001), habit (β=.39, P<.001), and personal empowerment (β=.18, P=.01). The precursors of use behavior were habit (β= .47, P<.001) and personal empowerment (β=.17, P=.01). Behavior intention to recommend was significantly influenced by behavior intention (β=.58, P<.001) and personal empowerment (β=.26, P<.001). The model explained 66% of the total variance in behavior intention, 54% of the variance in use behavior, and 70% of the variance in behavior intention to recommend. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates a significant role of personal empowerment, as a second-order construct, in the mHealth acceptance context. The presence of a chronic health condition predicates an impact on acceptance of this technology.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere17588
Pages (from-to)e17588
Number of pages22
JournalJMIR mHealth and uHealth
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jul 2020


  • digital health
  • health management
  • mHealth
  • patient empowerment
  • UTAUT2


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