Development of a visual analytical solution: dashboards creation for customer care area

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


Due to the technological revolution in the last decades, organizations nowadays take an extra step to keep competiveness up. One of the key areas that evolved was data analysis and the subjacent tools and applications. The surging emergence of new tools and methods enabled companies to extract information from sources, which was quite difficult before due to the lack of economically viable solutions. This document intends to detail the project carried out at Generic Company, a technological consulting company. The project aims to meet the reporting needs stipulated in the business needs, integrating the data from a Service Management software and an intern application for collaborators hour’s allocation. To achieve the goals, under the Design Science Research methodology, it was developed a Business Intelligence Solution supported by a software that enables the extraction, transformation and loading of data, on a custom made Data Warehouse to be used in a business analytical tool. Keeping up to the newest trends in data analytics, it will be used a visual data analysis application to interpret an accurate representation of the state in Customer Care area specifically, and the global performance in the target organization. This Masters Project presents an introduction to the context of the project, the advantages of adopting a Business Intelligence solution to an organization that have a steady income of data ready to be analysed, and the steps needed to adopt the referred solution.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationMaster of Science
Awarding Institution
  • NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS)
  • Neto, Miguel de Castro, Supervisor
  • Aparicio, Manuela, Supervisor
Award date28 Jan 2019
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Warehouse
  • Performance Indicators
  • Visual Data Analytics
  • Dashboards


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