Development of a SCADA system for access, processing and supervision of data coming from a wireless sensors network in a agro-environmental applications

Luis Manuel Navas Gracia, Eduardo Martín Bravo, Gonzalo Ruiz Ruiz, Fernando González Herrero, Fátima Baptista, Vasco Fitas da Cruz, M. Neto, Adriana Correa Guimaraes, Jaime Gómez Gil

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Wireless sensors networks appeared in the 1970’s for military and industrial use. They have since undergone a major evolution, particularly since the 90’s, thanks to the improvements in wireless communications. These changes have allowed them to participate in a wide variety of applications in different sectors such as agriculture and environment. This paper shows the development of a SCADA application programmed with LabVIEW® 8.6 (National Instruments), which allows management of data received by wireless sensors networks through a friendly interface for users. For the application shown in this paper we have worked with a MEP 510 sensors network (Crossbow). The functionalities implemented are the following: Network configuration; Data storage into database; Statistical processing of historical data with polynomial adjustment and spline interpolation; Visualization by data graphics in real time and historical data; Visualization of 2D intensity diagrams from the spatial distribution of sensors; and Creation of a users registry system that allows, depending on the category assigned, receiving or not access privileges in the application. As a complement we have developed the possibility of remote access. Sensors network implemented and the applications developed have been checked by operational tests for each functionality, as well as sensors joining and leaving the network situations, range of variables and working modes. The results obtained show the robustness of the SCADA application and the limitations of wireless sensors networks operating on field conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationXVII World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR)
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Wireless sensors network, database, LabVIEW, agro-environmental


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