Desenvolvimento linguístico e ensino de português como língua materna: assimetrias na compreensão de orações relativas de sujeito e de objeto

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Studies in language acquisition show that relative clauses are a domain in which children exhibit difficulties. As found in other languages, a subject-object asymmetry has been found for European Portuguese both in production and in comprehension. On the other hand, studies in educational linguistics assessing Portuguese school age children suggest that difficulties with relative clauses can be found along basic education. As in these studies, this paper extends the study of subject and object relative clauses to school age children. Starting from Batalha (2017), we present a pre/posttest design study that assessed the linguistic knowledge of 91 students in grades 4, 6 and 8 on the understanding of referential dependencies with the relative pronoun que in subject and object restrictive relative clauses. The findings, which were obtained using a reading task that required the identification of antecedents of relative pronouns, are discussed from the point of view of educational linguistics, considering some of the implications of the study for Portuguese L1 teaching.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)58-66
Number of pages8
JournalRevista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2019
EventXXXIV Encontro Nacional da APL - Lisbon
Duration: 26 Sept 201828 Sept 2018


  • pronomes relativos
  • compreensão
  • português europeu
  • linguística educacional
  • relative pronouns
  • comprehension
  • European Portuguese
  • educational linguistics

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