Densidade urbana das zonas costeiras. O caso da orla marítima da cidade do Recife

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The urban occupation along the Brazilian coastline happens unevenly across the country. Attraction Factor beaches are occupied by different social types in the time causing problems with the natural environment and socioeconomic .. The coastal city of Recife is no different and had its development based on infrastructure and real estate speculation. This work aims to study the density urban of the coastal zone Recife through the use of satellite images of high spatial resolution aerial photographic coverage in the period 1961 - 2002 and Minimum Mapping Areas (MMA). The software used was 5.1.8 SPRING ease of use and its versatility in working with raster data and vector. The study resulted in the variation of urban growth in time of spatial entities, the intensity of urban growth, the change in the average annual growth rate, the average annual rate of growth and development trends for the study period between 1961 - 2002 (40 years).
Original languageUnknown
Title of host publicationAnais XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR
Place of PublicationFoz do Iguaçu - São José dos Campos
ISBN (Print)978-85-17-00066-9; 978-85-17-00065-2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2013

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