Dark Electromagnetic Field: Álbum editado por o autor no Bandcamp com a compilação das experiencial gravadas provenientes do patch desenvolvidos

Research output: Non-textual formComposition


The Album is based on intangible visual and sound phenomena, such as the recordings of the electromagnetic fields produced by the hospital’s machines in the Divino Espirito Santo Hospital in Azoren labs. The Variations of luminosity in the building are converted into sound in real-time using solar panels in the context of the field recording and real time performance. The generative composition was develop with a Patch to produce automatic musical elements in a stochastic approach, reacting to the light wave oscillation of the space. This elements have no human intervention in the composition process and sound manipulation. The result is just base in the programed initial rules. This work he has created during his residence at the Arquipelago - Contemporary Art Center in collaboration with Hospital of the Divino Espirito Santo with the support of the Azoren Cultural Fund for Arts
Original languagePortuguese
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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