Cross-sections of the gamma-producing 25Mg(p,pγ1-0)25Mg nuclear reaction at Elab = 870–4020 keV

J. Cruz, M. Fonseca, R. Mateus, V. Manteigas, H. Luís, A. P. Jesus

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Although the γ-ray line emitting 25Mg(p,pγ1–0)25Mg (Eγ1–0 = 585 keV) reaction has been already studied for its relevance in nuclear structure and in material, biomedical, environmental and cultural heritage sciences, significant discrepancies exist in the data. The present paper reports on a new set of cross-section measurements for this reaction in the energy range Elab = 869–4017 keV. The 585 keV γ-rays were detected at θlab = 130° using an HPGe detector. The cross-sections were measured with a small energy step leading to a clear definition of resonances, an aspect that is absent in most previous cross-sections data. Validation of the measured results was made against thick target yields. Several resonances were found for 25Mg(p,pγ1–0)25Mg, which correspond to new 26Al levels, still not listed in nuclear databases.

Original languageEnglish
Article number128
Number of pages8
JournalThe European Physical Journal A
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022


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