Critical keys to understand the emergence of a strong U.A. movement in Paris

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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The city of Paris has been extremely active on programmes and projects concerning biodiversity, greening, urban agriculture [UA] and food initiatives. Our leading question in this paper is: which are the critical points that explain such a lively process? In order to address this, 22 actors and initiatives where either consulted or visited and a semi-open questionnaire was applied.
Findings are showing that UA and food growing importance results from a unique combination of, at least, four critical factors: A facilitating policy framework; A highly qualified professional and institutional profile of the promoters: A holistic and inter-disciplinary approach to UA that helps in including and connecting a larger number of actors and gain a critical mass; A very conscious consumer mindset that increased the demand for local food. In a nutshell, those critical factors contribute to UA and food emergence, and make the city a unique research case to understand UA future models, at least in European countries.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConnections and missing links within Urban Agriculture, Food and Food Systems
EditorsCecília Delgado
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherCICS.NOVA / RUAF-Foundation
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)978-989-99782-4-9
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventConnections and missing links within urban agriculture, food and food systems - NOVA FCSH, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 26 Apr 201827 Apr 2018


ConferenceConnections and missing links within urban agriculture, food and food systems


  • Urban Agriculture
  • City-based policies
  • Urban Agriculture and food promoters
  • Paris


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