Costruire l'Uomo Nuovo: Sport e Educazione in Portogallo tra Religione e Fascismo (1918-1940)

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This paper investigates the relationship between the Church and modernity in Portugal, through the study of the development of Catholic sport in inter-war period. This gives an original way of looking at the relationship between Estado Novo and the Catholic Church, highlighting how Lusitanian Catholics thought of modernity as an indispensable element for the construction of Estado Novo and especially for the theorization of the Portuguese "new man". This will make it possible to reflect on the very nature of the Salazarist regime debating the fascist and totalitarian vocation.
Original languageItalian
Article number47
Pages (from-to)1-24
Number of pages24
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • History
  • Pourtugal
  • Fascism
  • Religion
  • Sport Education
  • Catholic Church
  • Totalitarianism

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