Corrigendum to “Biological impact of metal nanomaterials in relation to their physicochemical characteristics” [Toxicol in Vitro. 2019 Jan 29;56:172–183](S0887233318307239)(10.1016/j.tiv.2019.01.018)

Henriqueta Louro, Andreia Saruga, Joana Santos, Mariana Pinhão, Maria João Silva

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


The authors regret that the abstract submitted to the journal was not included in the final manuscript. The abstract is shown below. Abstract Several metal and metal oxide nanomaterials (NMs), e.g., cerium dioxide NMs(CeO 2 ), barium sulphate NMs(BaSO 4 ) and titanium dioxide NMs(TiO 2 ), display advantageous properties over the bulk materials and have a broad range of innovative applications in food, industry and consumer products. Whether these materials are hazardous and impact on human health or the environment remains an issue that needs to be addressed by reliable studies focused on nano-bio interactions. To contribute to the comprehensive investigation of the toxicological effects of metal NMs, we have assessed the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of benchmark NMs in human respiratory cells, concomitantly with the analysis of their secondary properties in the cellular moiety. This study shows no effects of BaSO 4 , while some, but not all, of the other metal-related NMs analyzed have adverse effects. Human respiratory cells were prone to CeO 2 cytotoxicity and to DNA damage induction following exposure to anatase TiO 2 (NM-100, NM-101 and NM-102), but not rutile TiO 2 . No clastogenic/aneugenic effects were ascribed to any of the tested NMs. Using correlation analysis, this work also suggests that among these TiO 2 , the size in the cellular moiety may be the most relevant secondary feature that determines their biological consequences. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)323-323
JournalToxicology In Vitro
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019


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