title = "Contributo Metodol{\'o}gico para a Tomada de Decis{\~a}o em Projecto Mec{\^a}nico Sustent{\'a}vel – Caso de Uma Estrutura Tubular",
author = "Ant{\'o}nio Gabriel-Santos and Fradinho, {Jo{\~a}o Manuel Vicente} and Mour{\~a}o, {Ant{\'o}nio Jos{\'e} Freire} and Martinho, {Alberto Jos{\'e} Antunes Marques} and Vasco Sobral",
note = "Sem PDF.; International Conference on Engineering - ICEUBI 2013 ; Conference date: 01-01-2013",
year = "2013",
month = nov,
day = "28",
language = "Portuguese",
booktitle = "ICEUBI 2013",