"Como é óbvio, só um linguista nos pode ajudar”: : crítica política com humor, entre gramática & texto

Research output: Working paper

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This work focuses on the analysis of a text in a humor column about politics, representativeof the present, of the subject’s actoriality,and of the need to articulate knowledge from multiple linguistic plans to undertake a characterization of text genre. Therefore, our objectives are: 1) to deconstruct the global message of a humor column about politics, framing ourapproach within the linguistics of the text and the semantics of the enunciation; 2) to observe the pro-gression of the thematic content that develops as a result of the reflection on the use of lan-guage, and in various plans of linguistic analysis, to compose political criticism. To this end, we have appropriated the notion of “language games” by Wittgenstein (1992) to identify and describe the manipulations of lexical items present in the text. In this way, we recognizethat the reflexive capacity of language is a process that shapes humor,and a parameter that defines the textual genre (Miranda, 2010). Finally, we attend to the larger scopes of the theoretical-epistemological principles of socio-discursive interactionism and the semantics of enuncia-tion, noting that meaning can be constructed based on various linguistic plans,and linguistic units of varying nature.
Original languagePortuguese
Place of PublicationLisbon
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 12 Mar 2021

Publication series

NameCadernos WGT
VolumeVoltar a falar em Gramática & Texto
ISSN (Print)2184-8998
ISSN (Electronic)2184-9005


  • Géneros de texto
  • Humor
  • Linguística do texto
  • Semântica da enunciação
  • Crítica política
  • Interacionismo sociodiscursivo
  • Wittgenstein

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