Community practice-based instruments and their creation for musical and social interaction

Mariana Miguel, Paulo Maria Rodrigues, Helena Rodrigues

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


CMT’s universe is a series of constellations of artistic-educative environments allowing for musical, emotional and social development. Each constellation has a unique set of specific ideas and goals, but connecting with audiences and communities (whether parents and their small children, other artists, teachers and educators, local communities and the general public) is something transversal at all of CMT’s works. For that matter, creating and building new collective instruments comes as a natural part of trying to find new and unique ways to communicate, to establish a common ground for musical and social interaction. This paper looks at the different instruments and environments created and experimented through the workshops, and their methodology and implications on
human interaction


ConferenceOrganological Congress, 7th International Scientific Meeting for the Study of Sound and Musical Instruments, ANIMUSIC
Congresso de Organologia. 7º Encontro Científico Internacional para o Estudo sobre Som e Instrumentos Musicais
CityCaldas da Rainha


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