Comentar revisões e rever comentários: estratégias de (co)produção textual em contexto profissional

Research output: Working paper

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As the definitions show, the notion of comment is a quite comprehensive one when we take a look at different Portuguese-language dictionaries. For this reason, the present paper focuses exclusively on the so-called revision comment, which is used in the revisory process of written texts.
This kind of comment has been studied by several authors, especially with regard to the teaching of writing. However, the use of revision comments in professional contexts is usually only briefly mentioned.
Taking into account the interactionist principles set out by V. N. Voloshinov ([1929]1986), and later taken up by J. P. Bronckart (1999), regarding the dialogic nature of any textual production, this proposal places a particular emphasis upon the underlying potential of revision comments by assuming that revision, as a social activity, can indeed promote (verbal) interaction between different professionals working on the same text.
Based on two distinct text corpora, this article aims to evaluate whether revision comments may have various purposes when used in the context of translation services. At a time when information technologies foster collaborative forms of text production, the use of revision comments may contribute positively to that coproduction, as well as to the text itself
Original languagePortuguese
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherNOVA FCSH
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Publication series

NameCadernos WGT: Comente o seguinte texto


  • Revisão de textos
  • Comentários de revisão
  • Interacionismo sociodiscursivo
  • Tradução cultural

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