Comentários à "Gramática Histórica da Língua Portuguesa" de Manuel Said Ali

Research output: Working paper

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The objectives of this contribution are to comment on the concept of 'historical grammar' in Manuel Said Ali ([1931] 19643), commenting also the structure of his Gramática Histórica da Língua Portuguesa (GHLP) and the theoretical principles supported by the author. Firstly, I will try to underline the theoretical, methodological and terminological innovations of this grammar, which is very different from others of the same type published in the same period. Then, I will give special emphasis to Word-Formation component, particularly the descriptions of the suffixes and the internal structure of complex suffixed words, drawing attention to the modernity and actuality of a grammar that has served as a reference to quite a lot of works, in particular those that assume a diachronic perspective.
Original languagePortuguese
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherCentro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL)
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Publication series

NameCadernos WGT: Comente o seguinte texto
PublisherCentro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL)


  • Historical grammar
  • Diachronic study
  • Diachrony
  • Review
  • Said Ali
  • Word-Formation
  • Suffixes
  • Internal structure
  • Commentary

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