Climate-Induced Displacement: Some Reflections on Contemporary Debates

Veronica Corcodel (Editor), Maria Marques, Susana Brazão, Vittoria Moccia

Research output: Other contribution


This blogpost explores the issue of climate-induced displacement and the limits of legal protection, critically examining the main international and EU legal frameworks and policies. It advocates for recognising the protection needs arising from climate-induced displacement, as opposed to security-based approaches. Current international refugee and human rights regimes fall short of a satisfactory solution. Regionally, the EU leans more towards security than protection, hindering safe migration pathways. This, coupled with current climate uncertainties and their potential irreversibility, shows an increasing need for a more protective approach.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLisboa
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • Climate change
  • Climate-induced displaced persons
  • EU migration and asylum law
  • international refugee law
  • international human rights law


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