Climate Change and Impact on Renewable Energies in the Azores Strategic Visions for Sustainability

Maria Meirelles, Fernanda Carvalho, João Porteiro, Diamantino Henriques, Patrícia Navarro, Helena Vasconcelos

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The energy sector is the largest contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, but could also be seriously affected by climate change, calling into question society’s current consumption patterns. In this communication, climate projections based on a set of numerical models of global circulation are used to simulate the climate until the end of the century and keep in mind the alternative scenarios of pollutant emissions. Apart from solar energy, the results for the Azores region show a negative impact on the production and consumption of renewable energies. In the regional context, this issue assumes special relevance, given the geographical constraints, such as territorial discontinuity and insularity. Based on these assumptions, measures and recommendations are pointed out for the sectors that most penalize greenhouse gas emissions, considering the energy sustainability in the Azores and the commitments and goals assumed under international agreements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number15174
Number of pages17
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2022


  • Azores
  • climate change
  • climate projections
  • CMIP
  • energy sustainability climate projections
  • renewable energies


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