Classes of (0,1)-matrices Where the Bruhat Order and the Secondary Bruhat Order Coincide

Rosário Fernandes, Henrique F. da Cruz, Domingos Salomão

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Given two nonincreasing integral vectors R and S, with the same sum, we denote by A(R, S) the class of all (0,1)-matrices with row sum vector R, and column sum vector S. The Bruhat order and the Secondary Bruhat order on A(R, S) are both extensions of the classical Bruhat order on Sn, the symmetric group of degree n. These two partial orders on A(R, S) are, in general, different. In this paper we prove that if R = (2,2,…,2) or R = (1,1,…,1), then the Bruhat order and the Secondary Bruhat order on A(R, S) coincide.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-221
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2020


  • (0,1)-matrices
  • Bruhat order
  • Partial order
  • Secondary Bruhat order


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