Circularly polarized light detection on transistors using cellulose photonic dielectrics

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Cellulose in general can be used as a dielectric in microelectronic devices where it behaves like a solid-state electrolyte. • On the nanoscale Cellulose Nanocrystals show intriguing photonic properties, reflecting LCPL and transmitting RCPL when they form chiral nematic left-handed superstructures. • On the search to combine these two properties in a single device we show an IGZO transistor with a CNC thin-film as the solid-state photonic electrolyte. • The transistors show excellent characteristic curves, they lack however the response to CPL light. • With silicon we use a semiconductor that is sensitive in the visible light range, matching the chiral pitch of CNC membranes. Highest response was measured for the 600 nm range with a difference of up to 70% between the two polarization states. • As a next step we envision to combine the two phenomena in a single device having a cellulose nanocrystals film as the device's dielectric and simuitaneously function as a photonic filter for circular polarized light. • The resulting transistor is expected to exhibit sensitivity to CPL, thus producing distinct logic outputs (especially in the Off-State) for the two polarization states of light.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials 2018
PublisherTAPPI Press
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9781510870369
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018
Event2018 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials - Madison, United States
Duration: 11 Jun 201814 Jun 2018


Conference2018 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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