Ciliarmove: New software for evaluating ciliary beat frequency helps find novel mutations by a portuguese multidisciplinary team on primary ciliary dyskinesia

Pedro Sampaio, Mónica Ferro da Silva, Inês Vale, Mónica Roxo-Rosa, Andreia Pinto, Carolina Constant, Luisa Pereira, Carla M. Quintão, Susana S. Lopes

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Evaluation of ciliary beat frequency (CBF) performed by high-speed videomicroscopy analysis (HVMA) is one of the techniques required for the correct diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). Currently, due to lack of open-source software, this technique is widely performed by visually counting the ciliary beatings per a given time-window. Our aim was to generate open-source, fast and intuitive software for evaluating CBF, validated in Portuguese PCD patients and healthy volunteers. Nasal brushings collected from 17 adult healthy volunteers and 34 PCD-referred subjects were recorded using HVMA. Evaluation of CBF was compared by two different methodologies: the new semi-automated computer software CiliarMove and the manual observation method using slow-motion movies. Clinical history, nasal nitric oxide and transmission electron microscopy were performed for diagnosis of PCD in the patient group. Genetic analysis was performed in a subset (n=8) of suspected PCD patients. The correlation coefficient between the two methods was R2=0.9895. The interval of CBF values obtained from the healthy control group (n=17) was 6.18–9.17 Hz at 25°C. In the PCD-excluded group (n=16), CBF ranged from 6.84 to 10.93 Hz and in the PCD group (n=18), CBF ranged from 0 to 14.30 Hz. We offer an automated open-source programme named CiliarMove, validated by the manual observation method in a healthy volunteer control group, a PCD-excluded group and a PCD-confirmed group. In our hands, comparisons between CBF intervals alone could discern between healthy and PCD groups in 78% of the cases.

Original languageEnglish
Article number00792-2020
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalERJ Open Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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