Ceramics and cultural change in Medieval (14th-15th century) Portugal: the case of post-Reconquista Santarém

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Archaeological excavations in Santarém have uncovered many domestic structures as well as dozens of storage pits, dated to the 12th-15th centuries and filled with domestic rubbish, including ceramics. Most of this material is clearly of local production and is similar to many other finds within the city and its region. This pottery was used for many different activities relating to the preparation, storage and consumption of food and drink. An examination of the morphological and decorative characteristics of this pottery indicates an Islamic tradition for the 13th-century wares, while the 14th- and 15th-century products appear to reflect a Christian identity. It is argued that this transition relates to wider cultural, social and economic changes in medieval Santarém.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-35
Number of pages15
JournalMedieval Ceramics
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventMedieval and later ceramic development, production and trade along the Atlantic seaboard: Medieval Pottery Research Group Annual Conference - Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 19 Jun 201421 Jun 2014


  • Medieval Archaeology
  • Ceramics
  • Santarém


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