Case studies on what entrepreneurs actually do to attract resources: a two-route framework

Miguel Pereira Lopes, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Patrícia Jardim Palma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Taking a grounded approach, we devised a framework to explain howentrepreneurs attract critical resources to venture creation and development. The studywas based on qualitative data from a series of interviews with thirteen entrepreneurs conducted in a sample of six case studies. The framework distinguishes two routes that entrepreneurs use to attract resources for their ventures: idea selling, referring to how the entrepreneurs seek to engage others within the venture and to persuade them to support their entrepreneurial efforts; and network building, concerning the attraction effects of the entrepreneurs’ social network positions and venture legitimacy. The framework adds to entrepreneurship theory by proposing a conceptual model of resource gathering strategies in new venture creation and development.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)323-349
JournalJournal Of Enterprising Culture
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


  • Entrepreneurship
  • resource attraction
  • idea selling
  • network building


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