Building an enterprise for the future through network bricolage and memories of the past

Águeda Gil-López, Elena San Román, Sarah L. Jack, Ricardo Zózimo

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter explores how network bricolage, as a form of collective entrepreneurship, develops over time and influences the shape and form of an organization. Using a historical organization study of SEUR, a Spanish courier company founded in 1942, the authors show how network bricolage is implemented as a dynamic process of collaborative efforts between bricoleurs who draw on their historical experience to build and develop an organization. Our study offers two main contributions. In combining network bricolage with ideas of collective entrepreneurship, the authors first extend knowledge about the practice of bricolage and the role of the bricoleur in the entrepreneurial context beyond start-up. Second, the authors show that, while entrepreneurs' decisions are historically contingent, it is how entrepreneurs wed past experience with current context which informs their actions in the present, shaping the enterprise for the future.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCollective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries
Subtitle of host publicationA Long Term Approach
PublisherEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)9781801179522
ISBN (Print)9781801179508
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2023


  • Collective entrepreneurship
  • Courier company
  • Historical organization study
  • Network bricolage
  • Social embeddedness
  • Spain


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