Biotreated conventional concrete and CDW-concrete by use of microbial mixed cultures bioproducts

Julia Garcia-Gonzalez, André Freches, P. C. Lemos, Pedro Vaz, Alice S. Pereira, Andres Juan-Valdes, Paulina Faria

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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Cracks form in all concrete constructions shortening the life of concrete elements, particularly in exposed concrete. They provide a path for transport of moisture, chlorides, and various other deleterious substances. The aim of this study was to assess the protection and consolidation effect of eco-friendly healing biotreatments on water absorption of conventional and recycled concrete, with 50% substitution of natural coarse aggregate by CDW aggregate.
Concrete were treated with bioproducts obtained using waste biomass from a microbial mixed culture process for polyhydroxyalkanoates production. Results showed that the reference samples, with application of tap water, presented an increase in water drop permeability, being the absorption time shorter than in the control (untreated) samples. The biotreatment with the non-sonicated bioproduct increased significantly the water absorption time, more
evident in conventional concrete samples than in recycled ones. In the case of the sonicated bioproducts, the behaviour was similar for both types of concrete specimens, but the healing effect was higher. When the biotreatment was performed with three applications, the healing effect was not so effective. This observation may be associated with the formation of a hydrophobic film of organic material from the bioproduct, which detached from the concrete
surface after outdoors exposure.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConference proceedings of SynerCrete'18 - Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete: Synergizing Expertise and Bridging Scales of Space and Time
EditorsMiguel Azenha, D. Schlicke, F. Benboudjema, A. Jędrzejewska
Place of PublicationFrance
PublisherRILEM Publications SARL
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-35158-203-9
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018
EventInterdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete - Funchal, Portugal
Duration: 24 Oct 201826 Oct 2018


ConferenceInterdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete
Abbreviated titleSynerCrete'18
Internet address


  • Biotreatment
  • Bioproduct
  • Water absorption
  • Construction and demolition waste
  • Recycled concrete


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