Between traditional and social media: News repertoires in Portugal

Marisa Torres da Silva, Maria José Brites, Rita Figueiras, Sílvio Correia Santos, Inês Amaral, Lidia Soraya Barreto Marôpo, Pedro Jerónimo, Paula Espírito Santo, Liliana Pacheco

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In the study reported in this article, the diverse news media repertoires in Portugal are investigated using a Q-methodological approach. We analyse the participants’ perceptions of the experienced values of the cross-media news landscape (Schrøder, 2012) and identify seven news media repertoires: quality media lovers (R1); broadcast media consumers (R2); television news addicts, press consumers and social media avoiders (R3); news snackers (R4); online based-media and social media addicts (R5); online newspaper lovers and radio news avoiders (R6); and television, press and social/online-based media consumers (R7). A preference for traditional media, especially television, and increasing use of social media, constitute the salient features of the Portuguese national news repertoires.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)283-300
Number of pages18
JournalParticipations - Journal of Audience and Reception Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2017


  • News repertoires
  • Q methodology,
  • Cross-media
  • News consumption
  • Portugal


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