Balancing Technology, Pedagogy and the New Normal: Post-pandemic Challenges for Higher Education

Chrysi Rapanta, Luca Botturi, Peter Goodyear, Lourdes Guàrdia, Marguerite Koole

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The Covid-19 pandemic has presented an opportunity for rethinking assumptions about education in general and higher education in particular. In the light of the general crisis the pandemic caused, especially when it comes to the so-called emergency remote teaching (ERT), educators from all grades and contexts experienced the necessity of rethinking their roles, the ways of supporting the students’ learning tasks and the image of students as self-organising learners, active citizens and autonomous social agents. In our first Postdigital Science and Education paper, we sought to distil and share some expert advice for campus-based university teachers to adapt to online teaching and learning. In this sequel paper, we ask ourselves: Now that campus-based university teachers have experienced the unplanned and forced version of Online Learning and Teaching (OLT), how can this experience help bridge the gap between online and in-person teaching in the following years? The four experts, also co-authors of this paper, interviewed aligning towards an emphasis on pedagogisation rather than digitalisation of higher education, with strategic decision-making being in the heart of post-pandemic practices. Our literature review of papers published in the last year and analysis of the expert answers reveal that the ‘forced’ experience of teaching with digital technologies as part of ERT can gradually give place to a harmonious integration of physical and digital tools and methods for the sake of more active, flexible and meaningful learning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)715-742
Number of pages28
JournalPostdigital Science and Education
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


  • Digital technologies
  • Emergency remote teaching
  • Higher education
  • Online learning and teaching
  • Pedagogy
  • Post-Covid


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