Babylonians and Saracens: The interference of an Oriental pagan world in Arthurian romances Babylonians and Saracens: The Interference of an Oriental Pagan World in Arthurian Romances

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The Arthurian texts of both Vulgate and Post Vulgate cycles have many oriental references that constitute a matter of its own in the pagan context of the works. Places and characters from a mysterious eastern « other world » compete with the magical Celtic world, playing an important role in the structure of the narratives.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMiroirs arthuriens entre images et mirages
Subtitle of host publicationActes du XXIVe Congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne, Bucarest, 20-27 juillet 2014
EditorsCatalina Girbea, Mihaela Voicu, Ioan Panzaru , Corina Anton, Andreea Popescu
Place of PublicationTurnhout
PublisherBrepols Publishers
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-503-57992-4
ISBN (Print)978-2-503-57991-7
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventXXIVe Congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne - Bucarest, Romania
Duration: 20 Jul 201427 Jul 2014


ConferenceXXIVe Congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne


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